Menu settings (continued)
• Where necessary select a different
temperature using the scrolling buttons
• When the desired temperature is displayed,
confirm it with the “OK” key. This
temperature is now programmed.
Note: After programming the display returns
to the menu setting <<TEMPERATURE>>.
• To return to the coffee mode, press the
“MENU” button or wait 30 seconds for the
espresso machine to return automatically
to the coffee mode.
Setting the sleep mode
If the espresso machine is not used for a set
amount of time, it automatically switches off
for safety and economy reasons.
You can choose between five sleep mode
times (automatic switch off after 1 to 5
SWITCH OFF 1h = 1 Hour
SWITCH OFF 2h = 2 Hours
SWITCH OFF 3h = 3 Hours
SWITCH OFF 4h = 4 Hours
SWITCH OFF 5h = 5 Hours
The factory setting is 3 hours.
You can change this setting as follows:
• Press the “MENU” button, see figure
40. The menu setting <<LANGUAGE>>
• Press the scrolling buttons
the menu setting <<SLEEP MODE>>
• Confirm the menu setting by pressing the
“OK” button, see figure 41. The display
shows the current setting, e.g.
<<SWITCH OFF 3h>>.
• Where necessary select a different switch
off time using the scrolling buttons
• When the desired switch-off time is
displayed, confirm it with the “OK” key.
This switch off time is now programmed.
Note: After programming the display returns
to the menu setting <<SLEEP MODE>>.
• To return to the coffee mode, press the
“MENU” button or wait 30 seconds for the
espresso machine to return automatically
to the coffee mode.
Information on the number of dispensed coffees
and the cup measures
The espresso machine has the facility to
display the total number of cups of coffee
You can also display the cup measures
programmed for the three cup sizes.
Note: Where 2 cups of coffee are dispensed
simultaneously, they are also counted as 2
cups of coffee.
• Press the “MENU” button, see figure
40. The menu setting <<LANGUAGE>>
• Press the scrolling buttons
the menu setting <<INFO >> appears.
• Confirm the menu setting by pressing the
“OK” button, see figure 41. The display
shows the number of cups dispensed up to
this time, e.g. <<CUPS MADE 135>> for
135 dispensed coffees.
• Repeatedly press the scrolling buttons
to indicate the currently saved cup
volumes for each of the three cup sizes.
The display shows the selected cup size,
e.g. <<MEDIUM>> and in the second line
the corresponding saved cup measure as a
bar indication.
Note: The maximum bar indication
corresponds to the maximum possible cup
volume of 250mls.