
One motor is located in the head of the
mixer. This drives the individual beaters,
turning each in opposite directions.
The second motor is located in the neck of
the mixer and drives the turntable, in turn
rotating the bowl. High or low bowl speed
can be selected by simply turning the control
dial positioned on the neck of the mixer, see
figure 6.
These actions combine to ensure a more
powerful and thorough mixing result.
Role of the Twin-Motor 3-way
Beating Action
Mixing Guide
Figure 6
Mixing Task Recommended Speed(s)
Folding & Blending
‘LO’ 1 and 2
Light Mixing
‘LO’ 3 and 4
Creaming & Beating ‘HI’ 2 and 3 or
‘LO’ 5
Whipping & Aerating ‘HI’ 4, 5 and Boost