Description of Display Symbols
If any abnormality occurs during use, please check and correct the following:
Condition Correction
Display is blank when power is on. Check and correct the polarity of the
installed batteries. Reinstall or replace
Measurement incomplete or Review and follow “Applying Your
abnormally low or high values Blood Pressure Cuff” and “Taking
displayed. Your Blood Pressure Reading”sections.
Replace the batteries.
EE symbol displays. Did you talk or move during the
measurement? Review “Applying Your
Blood Pressure Cuff”section.
Measurements are different from Remember, blood pressure readings
those typically measured by are influenced by physical and mental
physician or every measurement conditions and/or even the time of day.
reading is different. Daily measurements should be
interpreted by your physician.
Display: Icons:
Systolic Pressure
Diastolic Pressure
Pulse Rate
No. of Memory
Appears when measurement value is
stored in memory or is recalled from
Appears when batteries should be
Shows the pulse rate per minute
Occurs when a mistake was made
during measurement
Appears when manual cuff deflation is
Appears when manual cuff inflation is
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