From the entire SVS team, congratulations on your purchase of
a new standard in home theater and music bass!
Your sub isn’t some generic black box built someplace you can’t even
find on a map. It’s made in Ohio, (as in USA), by home audio fanat-
ics... like you. Designed, tested and assembled by hand, your SV Sub-
woofer is without a doubt one of the best investments you’ll ever make
in bringing theater home.
We’ll help you to set up your sub right, and in no time, you’ll be giving
“demos” of your favorite DVDs or Laserdiscs to all your friends and
neighbors (we pity them if you live in an apartment. Please, be kind!).
This isn’t just a subwoofer after all, it’s a carefully designed audio
component carefully tuned in our labs, by bass authority and “Sub-
human”, Tom Vodhanel.
You’re unlikely to have heard, or felt, bass like this before, unless it
was in a top-notch, commercial movie theater. Movies and music in
your home will never be quite the same again. That’s a promise.
Already have a question about your sub? You might answer it by
reading this manual, we think you’ll find it more informative than
most. For even more detailed discussion about set-up topics check out
our FAQs page at www.svsubwoofers.com. We touch on all the key
points you need to know, and then some.
Maybe you just want to share a bit of bass news? Or perhaps you have
a story about your SV Subwoofer to share with us? Maybe something
we missed in our website? No matter, feel free to send a note to me at:
rons@svsubwoofers.com .
It’s not often you can talk to the guys who made your audio compo-
nent. In this case, we look forward to it.
Ron Stimpson
Director, SVS Customer Service
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SV Subwoofers