
SX-ST / SX-SV User Manual page 15
4.9 Limiter ( non VCA version only )
Each input module is equipped with a Limiter switch able ON or OFF. The THRES knob (threshold) sets the
level above which the limiter becomes active. The threshold level can be adjusted between infinite and - 30dB.
The attack time is very fast ( half sine wave only ) and the release time is program dependant.
NOTE: The limiter will be automatically activated when the level applied at the input exceeds 25dBu, even if
the Limiter is switched Off. This will protect the input stage, avoid saturation and ensure a supplementary
margin of 6 dB over the maximum input level.
4.9.1 Limiter LED
The green LED above the threshold knob lights ON only when the modulation reaches the level sets with the
threshold knob, indicating that the limiter becomes active. As long as the LED remains dark, the Limiter is
inactive and has absolutely no effect on the audio signal.
4.10 ON Push button
It turns all the mix bus sends and channel outputs ON or OFF (Mute). This function is absolutely noiseless and
affects the mix busses 1 to 8, the Pre and Post fader Aux Sends, the channel solo, the direct output and the
Insert send/return.
NOTES: - While powering up the mixer, all channels are turned OFF by factory default. Channels can be
turned ON during power up by implementing jumper S8.
- For monitoring purposes, the PFL signal and Pre Fader level meter remain available even if the channel is
turned OFF ( Muted )
- The ON/OFF push button can be controlled from an external device. ( SX-VT and VCA's type only )
4.10.1 ON status LED
The LED lit ON to indicate the "ON" status of the input module (factory default).
NOTE: By implementing jumper S9, this Led will turn ON to indicate the OFF (or MUTE) status.
This status may also displayed on a remote control panel for a better global view. ( SX-VT series only )
4.11 Channel Fader
The 100mm channel Fader precisely controls the level of the signal sent to mix busses 1 to 8, to the Post Fader
Auxiliary Sends 1 to 4 and also to the direct Line Out post-fader signal.
The Fader has a logarithmic course and, to match with the level switch setting (see chapter below ) two different
scales in dB's are printed either side of the Fader for exact and repeatable level adjustments.
The scale on the left is conventional from minus infinite to +12dB, on the right side it goes up to +24dB.
4.11.1 Level switch 12 / 24 (SX-ST series only)
The 12 / 24 level switch lets you choose between two maximum gain on the channel Fader.
In position 12, the fader has a conventional course from minus infinite up to +12dB of gain. In position 24, an
additional amplification of 12dB is applied BEFORE the fader for total gain of up to +24dB on the fader.
While recording “on location” huge dynamic jumps are very common and sometime difficult to handle as the
input gain must be rapidly adjusted to avoid either overloads or weak audio levels. This forces the sound
engineer to frequently use both hands on one channel to make a delicate adjustment between the input gain
and the mix level on the fader.
The input stage in the SX-ST / SX-VT is having such a significant headroom that it is normally not necessary to
reduce the input gain. However, when the ambiance sounds become more silent, it may be necessary to
increase the level so much that the traditional +12dB fader gain is not enough. Switching to the +24 position
ensure sufficient gain margin on the fader to keep hands and concentration for the mix rather than loosing
attention in controlling the input gain.
NOTES: the level switch should not be used during recording as it causes a level jump of 12dB.
The additional 12dB of gain apply to all post fader signals.