For more information
1 Links to related topics appear at the end of a topic.
1 Some topics include links that open the window in
which you can begin the task described.
Opening the User Guide PDF
The User Guide is available in PDF format on the CD.
To open the User Guide
1 Insert the Norton AntiVirus for Macintosh CD into the
CD-ROM drive.
2 In the CD window, double-click the Documentation
3 Double-click Norton AntiVirus User Guide.
You can also drag the PDF to your hard disk if you want
to keep a copy on your computer.
Tips for exploring the PDF:
1 When you open the PDF, the table of contents appears
in the margin. In the table of contents, click a heading
to jump to that topic.
1 To search for a specific topic, use the Find command
on the Edit menu.