3 IntheHelpwindow,intheleftpane,clickatab.Your
options are:
Displays Help bytopicContents
Listsallkeywords forthe Helptopics
in alphabetical order
Opensa search box inwhich you can
type a word or a phrase
You can print any Help topic.
To print a Help topic
1 In the Help window, click the Contents tab.
2 In the Contents list, select the topic that you want
to print, and then click Print.
3 Select whether you want to print only the selected
topic, or the topic and all of the subtopics under it.
4 Click OK.
Accessing window or panel Help
Window and panel Help provides specific help for a
window or panel when you need assistance.
To access window or panel Help
4 To access window or panel Help, click Help in any
window or panel.
Accessing the user guide PDF
You can find the Norton360 User Guide on the CD in
PDF format. You must have AdobeĀ® ReaderĀ® installed
on your computer to read the PDF.
If you purchased this product as a download, the PDF
from the Adobe Web site.
Getting Started
For more information