■ If the output displays the following error, then the account for the given
authentication broker is not created on this root broker:
"Failed To Get Attributes For Principal"
Proceed to step 3.
Create a principal account for each authentication broker in the cluster. For
venus> # vssat addprpl --pdrtype root --domain \
root@venus.symantecexample.com --prplname galaxy \
--password password --prpltype service
Youmust usethis passwordthat youcreate inthe inputfile forthe encrypted
Creating encrypted files for the security infrastructure
Create encrypted files (BLOB files) only if you plan to choose the semiautomatic
mode that uses an encrypted file to configure the Authentication Service. The
administrator must create the encrypted files on the root broker node. The
administrator must create encrypted files for each node that is going to be a part
of the cluster before you configure the Authentication Service for VCS.
To create encrypted files
Make a note of the following root broker information. This information is
required for the input file for the encrypted file:
Thevalue ofthe roothash string,whichconsists of40
characters. Execute the following command to find
this value:
venus> # vssat showbrokerhash
The value for the domain name of the root broker
system. Execute the following command to find this
venus> # vssat showalltrustedcreds
Makea noteof thefollowingauthentication brokerinformation foreach node.
This information is required for the input file for the encrypted file:
35Preparing to install VCS
Preparing to configure the clusters in secure mode