SecurityExpressions Server User Guide
3. In the Parameters tab, the Config parameter is set to .CONFIGURE
(Config=.CONFIGURE). When you set the Config key, the WizParams tab appears. On
this tab you can type text using the WizParams syntax that controls the available text,
input options, and parameters to modify in the Wizard.
4. View the WizParams tab to see the syntax that defines the Wizard's display for the rule.
This example displays the question, "Enable safety net for NSA parameters?" In the
Wizard you can select Yes or No.
The Wizard tab displays MoreInfo for this .CONFIGURE rule and the options defined in
the Wizparams.
5. Review the CrashOnAuditFull rule in the Parameters tab. Note the Modifiers
parameter, %get(.CONFIGURE:SAFETYNSA). The %get function calls the .CONFIGURE rule and
uses the setting that enables the safety net setting for NSA parameters.
If you open the NSA Guidelines for Windows XP and Windows 2000 policy file, in the Preview
pane you can click Configure to see the Wizard and the available options. If your policy file
does not have a .CONFIGURE rule, the Configure link does not appear in the Preview pane.
Tip: This example describes how to use a .CONFIGURE rule in the console application. Rather
than change the parameters there, you can select the variable settings in the server application
and modify the .CONFIGURE rule. When you create a new Policy and select an associated policy
file, the server application determines if a .CONFIGURE rule exists and displays prompts for