
Chapter 4: Field Settings
Read Only
When the Read Only option is selected, the user does not have the ability to enter data in the
selected field. This is commonly used in conjunction with default values and Variable type fields.
4.2.3 Validation Field Settings
Validation Field Settings allow the user to exhibit controls that check the accuracy of the entered
AccuScan Settin
Validate Immediately
This option represents whether or not a field should be validated immediately after it is entered.
When Validate Immediately is not selected and Validation settings do exist, the field data will
still be validated when the record is submitted.
Unique Within Record
When selected, this option prevents duplicate data values within the current record. If a field is
submitted and it violates the Unique Within Record setting, an audible alarm and error message
is displayed.
Unique Within Table
When selected, this option prevents the user from entering duplicate data within the entire
session for this field. This does not prevent the same data from being entered into another field
within this session, however. If a field is submitted and it violates the Unique Within Table
setting, an audible alarm and error message is displayed.
Min Len
This option allows the user to validate an entry based on the minimum number of characters
required. If a field is submitted with less than the “Min Len” setting, an audible alarm and error
message is displayed. Setting a Min Len of 1, for example, prevents the user from leaving that
field blank.
Max Len
This option allows the user to validate an entry based on the maximum number of characters
allowed. If a field is submitted with more than the “Max Len” setting, an audible alarm and error
message is displayed. Specify a Max Len of zero to disable this rule. Fields in AccuScan Palm
can store up to 30 characters.
4.2.4 After Scan Field Settings
After Scan field settings are designed to increase data entry speed and accuracy. Repetitive
data capture scenarios such as inventory audits lend themselves to the efficiencies of these
settings. It is recommended that these features be activated whenever possible.
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