Stopping the Engine
Idle the engine briey before stop-
ping, then slide the ON-OFF switch to
the “O” (for STOP) position.
The cutting attachment con-
tinues rotating for a while after
the switch is turned off.
The cutting attachment must
NEVER rotate at engine idle!
If the idle speed can not be adjusted
by the procedure described here, have
the unit inspected at an authorized
Shindaiwa dealer.
The engine must return to idle speed
whenever the throttle lever is re-
leased. Idle speed is adjustable, and
must be set low enough to permit the
engine clutch to disengage the cut-
ting attachment when the throttle is
Engine Idle Adjustment
Carburetor fuel mixture adjustments
are preset at the factory on units with
emission control systems and cannot
be serviced in the eld.
(3) If a tachometer is available, the
engine idle speed should be adjusted
to 2,750 min
(1) Place the unit on the ground, then
start the engine and allow it to idle
for 2-3 minutes until warm.
(2) If the attachment rotates when
the engine is at idle, reduce the idle
speed by turning the idle adjustment
screw counterclockwise.
To Wear the Strap
Shoulder Strap/Harness
(1) Attach the strap hook to the
hanger on the outer pipe.
(2) Wear the strap so that the hook
stays at your right side.
(3) Adjust the length of the strap so
that you can hold and operate the
machine comfortably.
(4) Make sure the hip pad stays be-
tween your hip and outer pipe. (B450
Emergency Release
In case of emergency, rmly pull the
white tab at the hook. The machine
will release from the strap.
Idle Adjust
Adjust the shoulder strap so the shoulder
pad rests comfortably on the off-side
shoulder and the cutting path of the cutting
attachements is parallel to the ground. Make
sure all hooks and adjustment devices are
Always wear a harness when
operating this unit with a blade.
Using a harness with a bruscutter allows you
to maintain proper control of the unit and
reduces fatigue during extended operation.
Double Shoulder Harness
Adjust the double shoulder harness straps
so the shoulder pads rest comfortably on
the offside of the shoulder and the cutting
path of the blade is parallel to the ground.
Make sure all hooks and adjusting devices
are secure.