Symbologies 13-59
Redundancy Level
Parameter # 4Eh
The digital scanner offers four levels of decode redundancy. Select higher redundancy levels for decreasing levels of bar code quality.
As redundancy levels increase, the digital scanner’s aggressiveness decreases.
Select the redundancy level appropriate for the bar code quality.
Redundancy Level 1
The following code types must be successfully read twice before being decoded:
Redundancy Level 2
The following code types must be successfully read twice before being decoded:
Redundancy Level 3
Code types other than the following must be successfully read twice before being decoded. The following codes must be read three
Redundancy Level 4
The following code types must be successfully read three times before being decoded:
Code Type Code Length
Codabar 8 characters or less
MSI 4 characters or less
D 2 of 5 8 characters or less
I 2 of 5 8 characters or less
Code Type Code Length
All All
Code Type Code Length
MSI Plessey 4 characters or less
D 2 of 5 8 characters or less
I 2 of 5 8 characters or less
Codabar 8 characters or less
Code Type Code Length
All All