Appendix D. Other
Functions of the
Diagnostics Program
Reading Sensor Data
1. Start the main program (see above).
2. Select Show Sensors in the main menu. A separate window will open for the following sensor
• temperature of the board
• voltage on the PCI card
• voltage on the PCI I/O lines
• fan (only SK-NET GE-T types)
• supply voltage of the ASIC chip
• supply voltage of the PMA chip
In the main menu, Show Sensors changes to Hide Sensors.
3. You can close the window by selecting Hide Sensors in the main menu. Other windows may be
opened while this window is still open (see below).
Reading Configuration Data
1. Start the main program (see above).
2. Select Show Configuration in the main menu. A separate window will open showing the device
code, various vendor codes, interrupt no., CLS, latency, RAM size, PCI slot index and
size, PCI bus clock, MAC address, port type, connector, hardware revision and type of
network card. In the main menu, Show Configuration changes to Hide Configuration.
3. You can close the window by selecting Hide Configuration in the main menu. Other windows
may be opened while this window is still open (see below).