18 3 Installation of the Driver Software
SysKonnect offers drivers for Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Me,
Windows 98 SE, and Windows NT 4.0.
Drivers downloaded from our web site are available in a packed format (.zip files). The downloaded
file has to be unpacked before installation.
Windows NT 4.0
The NDIS 4.0 32-bit Miniport driver for the SysKonnect SK-9Exx/9Sxx Gigabit Ethernet Server
Adapter Family supports Windows NT 4.0. This driver does not support Windows NT 3.51 or below.
It is recommended to install the latest Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack after successful installation of
the driver.
To install the driver, proceed as follows:
1. After you have installed the adapter in your computer (for details, see chapter 1 “Installation of
the Network Adapter”), boot Windows NT 4.0.
2. Select S
The window “Control Panel” is displayed.
3. Select N
The window “Network” is displayed.
4. Select the tab A
5. Click A
6. Click H
7. Depending on the type of installation medium used (CD-ROM, floppy disk, network drive), type
the path to the driver, e.g. e:\SK-9Exx\Windows\Nt4, where “e” is the designation of the
CD-ROM drive on your system.
8. Click O
The window “Select Network Adapter” is displayed.
9. Select the adapter for which the driver is to be installed.
10. Click O
The window “Card Setup” is displayed.
11. Configure the adapter (for details, refer to the corresponding readme file).
12. When you have finished the configuration, click O
13. After successful installation of the driver, install the latest Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack.
14. Restart your system.
For more information, refer to the corresponding readme file.