
26 4 Installation of the Driver Software
eth0 eth1 ...
which indicates that your adapter has been found and initialized.
If several SysKonnect adapters are installed in your system, the adapters will be listed as
“eth0”, “eth1”, “eth2”, etc. The mapping is executed automatically.
The module installation message (displayed either in a system log file or on the console) out-
puts a line for each adapter found containing the corresponding “ethX”.
3. Assign an IP address (see below).
Assign an
IP address
In order for the adapter to work, an IP address has to be assigned. For each adapter, repeat steps 1
and 2 below.
To assign an IP address, proceed as follows:
1. Select an IP address by assigning it to the respective adapter:
ifconfig eth0 <ip-address>.
With this command, the adapter is connected to the Ethernet. If your adapter is connected to
the data network or another station, the green link LED is active after assigning the IP address.
In addition, you will receive a status message on the console stating “ethX: network connection
up using port Y” and showing the selected connection parameters. Now your adapter should be
fully operational.
2. Execute
ping <other station> to verify the connection to other computers on your net-
For more information, refer to the corresponding readme file.
Sun Solaris
The “SKGEsol” driver package supports the SysKonnect SK-98xx family on Solaris 7 and higher.
Both SPARC and x86 systems (Solaris 9 does not support x86) are supported by the respective
driver version. For all supported Solaris SPARC versions, there is also a 64-bit version.
There are two tools for installing the driver package:
”pkgadd”, which runs from the command line
”admintool”, which uses a GUI
The following description of the driver installation is based on an installation on Solaris SPARC in
32-bit mode. It is valid for all Sun Solaris systems.
In order to perform the installation, you need “root” access.
Driver packages downloaded from our web site are available in a compressed format (.tar.Z files).
The package has to be uncompressed before installation.
Uncompress the
To uncompress the downloaded driver package, proceed as follows:
1. Go to the directory where the compressed driver package is located, e.g. /usr/SKGE/
skgesol_sparcv6.00.tar.Z for the SPARC Edition.
2. Uncompress the file with the following command:
uncompress skgesol_sparcv6.00.tar.Z
The result is the file “skgesol_sparcv6.00.tar”.
3. Untar this file with the following command:
tar -xvf skgesol_sparcv6.00.tar
If you are in doubt about the IP addresses, ask your network administrator for assistance.