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Don’t be fooled by the glitz and glamour of Algonquin’s bright lights and
skyscrapers – organized crime, corruption and street gangs remain rife in
all of Liberty City’s boroughs. Familiarize yourself with the head butt…or the
Bohan kiss as it is more commonly known.
This is the city where anything goes, so long as you don’t get caught. There
has been a crackdown on crime in recent years and the police are everywhere
in Liberty City these days. Keep your eye on the rear-view mirror and your foot
on the accelerator.
The Internet isn’t just for porn, advertising and identity theft anymore. You
can also find love, or at least a desperate stranger prepared to sleep with
you on the first date. Log on and surf the Net at any of the tw@ internet cafes
around Liberty City.
Loud stereos impress people, especially girls. Always listen to the radio
at full blast and keep an ear out for the real-time news updates. If you
happen to hear a song that reminds you of your first arrest, call ZIT at
948-555-0100 and they’ll track it down for you.
G.P.S. was invented because real men do not ask for directions. Now you can
get automatically rerouted when you handbrake past that last turn at 150 mph.
You will need some sustenance once in a while to keep your health up. Put your
digestive tract through its paces at one of the many street vendors and fast food
joints in Liberty City. A free knuckle sandwich comes with any complaints.
For those times when running around Liberty City gets lonely, your friends are
at your fingertips. Just pull up your mobile phone and select Multiplayer from
the menu so you and your friends can cause havoc together. You can work in
groups to take down some crooks, tackle co-op style missions or simply go
after anything that moves, all throughout Liberty City.
Liberty City’s residents are known for their take-no-crap attitude. The best
way to blend in is to walk quickly and look pissed off. Make eye contact at
your own peril.
Keep essential valuables like your mobile phone with you at all times. Your mobile
phone holds all of your contacts and lets you access some important features
throughout Liberty City. It’s also perfect for drunk-dialing your ex at 4am.
With more sights, shows, restaurants, bars, museums, shopping and borderline
psychopaths than you can shake a shotgun at, there is no place quite like Liberty
City. Where else can you get sworn at by a senior citizen, accosted by a crackhead,
propositioned by a prostitute and strip-searched by a police officer all before breakfast?
Discover the history, culture and diversity that make this booming metropolis the capital
of the world, at least according to the over-caffeinated locals. We encourage you
to explore Liberty City’s four boroughs and its islands, each with its own distinct
atmosphere and personality. You will soon see for yourself that there is truly
something for everyone. There is also Liberty City’s ugly sister Alderney...if you care.
Welcome to Liberty City