What’s in this guide? Getting started Making calls Using the phone book In-call features Video conferencing
Getting started
Layout control used during a call will depend on how many participants
there are in the call. Note that the use of external infrastructure equipment
may open up for calls with many participants. The layout of these calls
may be controlled by the external equipment itself.
Layout control outside a call is limited to the choice between showing
selfview and showing a wallpaper, but in a slightly different manner
compared to single screen configurations. Note that if you choose Hide
selfview, the double screen without wallpaper will look grey
Screen layout options for dual screen
The layout of the screen for dual screen configurations can be changed as
shown here.
• To produce display options screen, press the
layout ( ) key
• Use the
aRRow keys to move between the alternatives and use to select
the alternative you want to use
• Note that you may, or may not, include selfview (i.e. the outgoing video
signal from your own system)
• You set whether to include selfview or not by means of the left-most
• To set up for showing wallpaper is described on the previous page.
A dual screen
point-to–point call.
The option selected
in this example
will be useful if a
presentation is
added to the call.
A dual screen call
involving three
participants in total.
A dual screen
call involving four
participants in total.