TANDBERG 3G Gateway User Manual
5 Configure the 3G Gateway
To configure the 3G Gateway, open ‘System Configuration’ tab, as shown in the figure below. In
the system configuration window 9 tabs can be distinguished, i.e. PRI, SS7, IP, H.323, SIP, Video
Portal, SNMP, Misc and Upgrade. The underlying settings of the aforementioned links will be
discussed in paragraphs
5.1 - 5.9, respectively.
5.1 ISDN PRI/BRI Configuration
The first link of system configuration tab is either PRI or BRI, depending on the ISDN hardware
configuration of the 3G Gateway. Paragraphs
5.1.1 and 5.1.2 will elaborate on the PRI and BRI
settings, respectively.
5.1.1 PRI Configuration
To configure the PRI, select ‘System Configure - PRI’ as shown in the figure below.
PRI Protocol
Select between the following PRI protocols:
National ISDN
AT&T Custom
Japan/Taiwan ISDN
SS7 (Only available when enabled with option key)
When all settings are entered, please press the ‘Save’ - button to store the new settings.
Note changing from E1 to T1 configuration requires a restart of the unit.