
Screen controls To reduce the contrast, press Alt + [.
To increase the contrast, press Alt + ].
To reduce the brightness, press Alt + -.
To increase the brightness, press Alt + =.
Quick jump to Home Press Fn + Today
Quick jump to Stowaway Keyboard software screen
Press Fn + Space (small Space key).
Clear your Jornada’s input screen
Press Fn + Spacebar to increase the working area. For example,
when you create a new document, your Jornada’s input area is
activated and consumes about 1/3 of your working area. Pressing Fn
+ Spacebar closes the keyboard/stylus input area to provide a larger
typing area.
Start a new file Press Ctrl + N. This works as the New menu command to create a
new document, spreadsheet, etc. This is only supported in some
applications, such as Notes.
Points to Remember
Here are important points to remember when using the Stowaway Portable Keyboard:
Typing with the Stowaway Keyboard on your knee does not provide the same robust
feel as typing on a flat, solid surface. If you set it down on a single knee or other uneven
surface, the keyboard will bow slightly in the center. To stabilize the Stowaway Keyboard,
place a firm, flat object such as a magazine, book, briefcase, etc., between the keyboard
and your lap.
Use your stylus for selecting list items and making menu selections.
Use the handy stylus wells in the right and left corners of the Stowaway Keyboard to
keep your stylus within reach.
Make sure that the dock mechanism is fully extended and upright and that the
connector is raised before attaching your Jornada. Do not try to attach your Jornada
before raising the dock to the upright position.