
Our knowledgeable staff is also available to answer your
questions through one of the following telephone
Belgium +32 0 02-717-2451
Denmark +45 0 35-25-8751
Finland +35 8 922948016
France +33 0 1-64-53-9151
Germany +49 0 21-16-579-1151
Italy +39 (02) 4827-1151
Netherlands +31 0 2-0504-0671
Norway +47 2 2577729
Spain +34 0 91-745-6221
Sweden +46 0 8-751-4058
Switzerland +41 0 1-212-0007
United Kingdom +44 0 20-7744-0330
Eastern Europe & others +31 0 20-5040671
Product Registration
Targus recommends that you register your Targus accessory
shortly after purchasing it. To register your Targus accessory, go
to: http://www.targus.com/registration.asp
You will need to provide your full name, email address, phone
number, and company information (if applicable).
Targus warrants this product to be free from defects in materials
and workmanship for two year. If your Targus accessory is found
to be defective within that time, we will promptly repair or replace
it. This warranty does not cover accidental damage, wear and
tear, or consequential or incidental loss. Under no conditions is
Targus liable for loss of, or damage to a computer; nor loss of, or