Unused beauty. Precision stage that easily clamps onto
your microscope. Horizontal movement 75mm and ver-
tical movement 44mm, each by rack and pinion. Both
scales are graduated and read by verniers. Spring fin-
ger to hold slides. Heavy duty.
M1527D $28.50
Design for slicing micro thin sections of a specimen for
viewing with your microscope. Sample to be sectioned
is supported in styropith or other material and placed
in the central well. Turning the milled knob at the base
of the microtome moves the piston up and raises the
sample. Sections can be cut from the top flat plate
stage with a razor. Piston has 19mm overall travel with
click stops at 20 micron intervals. Advances 500 microns for each complete
turn. Top stage is 63mm diameter and well is 21mm diameter. Unused.
M1571D $24.50
Here's what you need to take 35mm photos thru your
microscope. Quality aluminum construction. Fits stan-
dard 25mm microscope tube tube (including our T1480
Student Microscope). Unit has 2 sections with bayonet
thread to easily come apart so you can insert your eye-
piece. Other end has standard "T" thread to fit your
camera's T-Adapter (available at most camera stores if
you don't already have one for your camera). Unused.
M1573D $19.50
Light alloy vented housing fitted with glass blue filter
on one side and clear diffuse filter on the other side.
Works off standard 110VAC, or if you are traveling,
remove the adapter and the unit will work with stan-
dard Continental Europe 220VAC. Has in line on/off
switch. Fits standard microscopes (plugs into the mir
ror socket) such as our Student Microscope #T1480.
M1574D $19.50
Page 80 - Microscopes
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