IP Phone 100 User Manual Guide Document Ver. 1.8
IP Phone Ver. 113/503(Normal and PPPoE)
19.[passwd] command
For security protection, user has to input the password before entering application user/config
mode. Two configurations of login name/password are supported by the system.
1. –set: set password of “root” users or “administrator” users. (password –set
root/administrator “password”)
2.–clean: clean up password restored before, and user can login :”root/adminstrator”,
password:”press enter”.
User who requests authorization to execute all configuration commands needs to login with
“root”. If a user login with “administrator”, two commands are not functional:
1. password –set root: set password of login : “root”.
2. passwd –clean: clean up password restored before, and user can login :”root/adminstrator”,
password: ”press enter”.
3. flash –clean: only “root” users can clean all configurations stored in flash.
4. rom –boot :only “root” users can upgrade IP Phone boot rom version.
5. rom –boot2m : only “root” users can upgrade IP Phone 2mb firmware.