
Mod el 5454 Operat ing Procedures
Step 4
Assemble the mix inlet fitting. Slide the o-ring into the
groove on the m ix inlet fitting and lubricate the fitting
as s hown below.
Figure 29
Atta ch the poppet and spring to the end of the mix inlet
fitting above the o-ring. The spring must be securely
fastened and must not be allowed to float freely.
Note: The r ubber poppet andspring act as a pressure
relief valve to prevent a pressure build-up in the
freezing cylinder.
Figure 30
Insert the mix inlet fit ting into the hole in the baseof the
valve body.
Figure 31
Secure the pump parts in position by sliding the
retaining pin through the cross holes located at the
bottom o f the pump c ylinder.
Figure 32