
Electrical and radio characteristics 5
5.1 Absolute Maximum ratings
Absolute maximum ratings for supply voltage and voltages on digital and
analog pins of the module are listed below. Exceeding these values will
cause permanent damage.
Minimum Maximum
Peak current of power supply 0mA 100mA
Voltage at digital pins -0.3V 3.7V
Voltage at POWER pin 3.3V 7V
5.2 Operating temperatures
Minimum Typical Maximum
Operating temperature -20°C 25°C +75°C
5.3 Power Consumption
The current drain from the Vcc power input line is dependent on various
factors. The three most significant factors are the voltage level at Vcc,
UART baud rate and the operating mode.
The hardware specification for the blu
module allows for a voltage
range of 3.6 to 6.0v at Vcc. Tests have shown that there is no significant
difference in current draw when Vcc is 5 or 6V. Therefore the data
presented below, pertains to Vcc levels of 3.6 and 5v only. Tests have
shown that where power drain is an issue, it is best to keep Vcc at the
lower end of the range.
The UART baud rate has a bearing on power drain because as is normal
for digital electronics, the power requirements increase linearly with
increasing clocking frequencies. Hence higher baud rates result in a
higher current drain.
Finally with regards to operating mode the significant modes are; idle,
waiting for a connection, inquiring, initiating a connection and connected.
With connected mode, it is also relevant to differentiate between no data
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