Advance Data Sheet: Dualeta™ iQA Series – Dual Quarter Brick
©2004 TDK Innoveta® Inc.
iQAFullDatasheet080505_2.doc 8/3/2006 Revision 2.0
Safety Considerations
For safety agency approval of the system in which the DC-DC power module is installed, the
power module must be installed in compliance with the creepage and clearance requirements of
the safety agency. The isolation is basic insulation. For applications requiring basic insulation,
care must be taken to maintain minimum creepage and clearance distances when routing traces
near the power module.
As part of the production process, the power modules are hi-pot tested from primary and
secondary at a test voltage of 1500Vdc.
To preserve maximum flexibility, the power modules are not internally fused. An external input
line normal blow fuse with a maximum value of 15A is required by safety agencies. A lower value
fuse can be selected based upon the maximum dc input current and maximum inrush energy of
the power module.
When the supply to the DC-DC converter is less than 60Vdc, the power module meets all of the
requirements for SELV. If the input voltage is a hazardous voltage that exceeds 60Vdc, the
output can be considered SELV only if the following conditions are met:
1) The input source is isolated from the ac mains by reinforced insulation.
2) The input terminal pins are not accessible.
3) One pole of the input and one pole of the output are grounded or both are kept floating.
4) Single fault testing is performed on the end system to ensure that under a single fault,
hazardous voltages do not appear at the module output.
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