Chapter 1 – Product Description and Specifications
SocketModem Global MT5634SMI Developer’s Guide 6
Chapter 1 – Product Description and
Multi-Tech’s SocketModem creates communication-ready devices by integrating data/fax/voice functionality into
a single product design. The SocketModem is a space-efficient (1" × 2.5"), embedded modem that provides
V.92/56K communication. The complete, ready-to-integrate modem dramatically reduces development time and
costs for system designers. The SocketModem complies with global Telecom requirements, can be shipped
worldwide, and is globally configurable.
This guide provides the hardware, software, testing and troubleshooting information needed to effectively
integrate the SocketModem into your equipment. It also provides:
· commands a developer can use to configure and control a data/fax/voice modem and
· result codes the modem issues in response to the commands.
Fax Commands Documents
Two separate fax command documents along with an informational fax document are available on CD and from
Multi-Tech. They are also available on the Multi-Tech Web site, or you can contact OEM Sales at:
(800) 972-2439.
Product Description
The MT5634SMI SocketModem is used for integrating data and fax communications:
· It is a single-port modem, which integrates the controller, DSP, and DAA in a 1" x 2.5" form factor and
communicates to a host controller via an asynchronous serial interface
· It is available with an 8-bit parallel interface.
· It supports the ITU-T V.92 protocol.
Two SocketModem kits are available, one for serial and the other for parallel. The serial kit allows you to plug in
the SocketModem and use it as a serial modem for testing, programming, and evaluation. The parallel kit turns
the parallel module into an ISA modem. Each kit includes one development board with an RS-232 DB-25
connector, wall power adapter, RJ-11 jack, and RS-232 cable.