Performance Check and Calibration Procedures
760A / 760D / 760N
e. Set the audio signal generator frequency to 20 Hz.
f. CHECK – that the display shows no separation of the trace.
13. Adjust LED Bar Gains
a. Connect the leveled audio signal generator output to all three AUDIO
b. Set the leveled audio signal generator to the output level shown in
Table 5–2.
Table 5–2: LED Bar Gain Adjustment
Inst Signal
Left Right Aux
R351 R352 R553
760A 7.75 mV
Adjust for 5 segments lit.
760D 15.50 mV
Adjust for 6 segments lit.
760N 15.50 mV
Adjust for 4 segments lit.
c. ADJUST – R351 (Left Offset Adjust), R352 (Right Offset Adjust), and
R553 (Aux Offset Adjust) so that the correct number of LED segments
are lighted, as shown in Table 5–2.
d. (760A only) Set S340 to position 6 (expands around 0 dB, 0.05
dB/segment resolution).
e. Set the audio signal generator to the output level shown in Table 5–3.
Table 5–3: LED Bar Reference Adjustment
Inst Signal
Left Right Aux
R347 R546 R758
760A 775 mV
0 dB
760D 550 mV
–9 dB (arrowhead)
760N 777 mV
0 dB (TEST)
f. ADJUST – R347, R546, and R758 for the LED bar reading shown in
Table 5–3. For the 760D and 760N, depress the EXPAND SCALE
button while making this adjustment.
g. (760A only) Set S340 to position 0.
This concludes the 760A / 760D / 760N Calibration Procedure