
Phaser 480X Color Printer
Customer Support Hotline
If your problem is not resolved after Þrst trying the suggestions in this
chapter, call the Tektronix Customer Support Hotline in the United States
and Canada at 1-800-835-6100 (from 6:00 am to 5:00 pm PST).
For technical support outside the United States and Canada, contact your
local Tektronix dealer or Tektronix sales representative.
Printer service
If your printer needs service, call 1-800-635-6100 (in the United States, from
6:00 am to 5:00 pm PST). Outside the United States, contact your Tektronix
dealer or local Tektronix ofÞce.
The Tektronix Bulletin Board Service
The Tektronix Bulletin Board Service (BBS) is available for direct
downloading of the latest versions of printer drivers, utilities, and Þles. If
you have a Macintosh or PC, communication software, and modem, you can
call the system and use the menus to locate and download the Þles you
To access the BBS 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, call (503) 685-4504.
For a detailed instruction guide on system requirements, terminal settings,
protocol, modem, how to connect to our BBS, and how to download Þles,
request a document catalog from HAL, the Tektronix automated fax system.
Refer to ÒUsing the automated fax systemsÓ on page 6-4 for instructions on
using HAL.