
Appendix D: Performance Verification
73A-270 Arbitrary Pulse/Pattern Generator Module
73A-270-Under-Test Configuration
In order to perform this verification procedure, the 73A-270-under-test must be
installed in an approved VXIbus system. At a minimum, the system must
contain the elements listed in Table A–2.
Table A–2: Elements of a Minimum 73A-270 –Under-Test System
Item Number and Description Minimum Requirements Example Purpose
1. VXIbus Mainframe Two available slots for 73A-270
and 73A-541 in addition to the
Slot 0 controller
Tektronix VX1410 VX1400A Provides power, cooling, and
backplane for VXIbus modules
2. Slot 0 Controller Resource Mgr., Slot 0 Device
Functions, IEEE 488 GPIB Inter-
GPIB — VXI Provides Slot 0 functions,
Resource Mgr., and GPIB/
VXIbus interface
3. VXIbus System Controller VXIbus-Talker/Listener/Controller IBM 486 with National Instru-
ments GPIB PC2A card &
NI-488.2M software and GPIB
cable (Tektronix part number
Controlling the VXIbus
Table A–3 describes the VXIbus system configuration which is assumed in this
procedure. If your configuration is different, you do not need to change it, just
note that you will observe your device names and addresses in the test sequence.
Table A–3: Test System Configuration
Device GPIB Device Name VXI Slot
VXIbus Logical
GPIB0 GPIB0 (PC card) NA
SLOT0 SLOT0 Slot 0 1
73A-270 VX270 Slot 1 2
73A-541 VX541 Slot 2 3
VX4790A VX4790 Slot 3 4
Test Record
Photocopy the Test Record, and use it to record the performance verification
results for your module.
Test System Configuration