Command Descriptions
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual
Save and Recall
SAVe:SETUp { <NR1> | <file path> }
SAVe :
SETUp <Space>
<file path>
<NR1> is a value in the range from 1 to 10 and specifies a location. Using an
out-of-range value causes an execution error. Any settings that have been stored
previously at this location will be overwritten.
<file path> (available on instruments with the Option 1F File System) is a
quoted string that defines the file name and path. Input the file path using the
form <drive>/<dir>/<filename>. <drive> and one or more <dir>s are
optional. If you do not specify them, the TDS will write the file to the current
directory. <filename> stands for a filename of up to 8 characters followed by a
period (“.”) and a 3-char extension . We recommend you use “SET” for the
extension to identify files that store setup data.
The current directory refers to the name of a directory as returned by the
FILESystem:CWD query.
Settings saved in one TDS oscilloscope may or may not work on a different
model TDS or on the same model TDS with a different version of firmware.
saves the current front-panel setup in memory location 5.
saves the current front-panel setup to the file TEK00000.SET in the current
directory and on the current drive.
SAVe:WAVEform (No Query Form)
Stores a waveform in one of four reference memory locations or a mass storage
file. This command is equivalent to selecting either the Save Waveform or the
Save to File Waveform item in the Save/Recall Waveform menu.
Save and Recall
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