Command Descriptions
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual
CURVe? query, but the lower-order 8 bits of data will be zero. SAMple is the
default mode.
PEAKdetect specifies the display of the high-low range of the samples taken
from a single waveform acquisition. The high-low range is displayed as a
vertical column that extends from the highest to the lowest value sampled during
the acquisition interval. PEAKdetect mode can reveal the presence of aliasing or
narrow spikes.
HIRes (for the TDS 400A, 510A, 500C, & 700C) specifies Hi Res mode, where
the displayed data point value is the average of all the samples taken during the
acquisition interval. This is a form of averaging, where the average comes from a
single waveform acquisition. The number of samples taken during the acquisi-
tion interval determines the number of data values that compose the average.
AVErage specifies averaging mode, where the resulting waveform shows an
average of SAMple data points from several separate waveform acquisitions. The
number of waveform acquisitions that go into making up the average waveform
is set or queried using the ACQuire:NUMAVg command.
ENVelope specifies envelope mode, where the resulting waveform shows the
PEAKdetect range of data points from several separate waveform acquisitions.
The number of waveform acquisitions that go into making up the envelope
waveform is set or queried using the ACQuire:NUMENv command.
sets the acquisition mode to display a waveform that is an envelope of many
individual waveform acquisitions.
might return ENVELOPE.
ACQuire:NUMACq? (Query Only)
Indicates the number of acquisitions that have taken place since starting
acquisition. This value is reset to zero when any Acquisition, Horizontal, or
Vertical arguments that affect the waveform are modified. The maximum number
of acquisitions that can be counted is 2
–1. Counting stops when this number is
reached. This is the same value that is displayed in the upper center of the screen
when the acquisition system is stopped.
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