Signal Path Compensation
This oscilloscope lets you compensate the internal signal path used to
acquire the waveforms you acquire and measure. By executing the signal
path compensation feature (SPC), you can optimize the oscilloscope capaĆ
bility to make accurate measurements based on the ambient temperature.
Run an SPC anytime you wish to ensure that the measurements you make
are made with the most accuracy possible. You should also run an SPC if
the temperature has changed more than 5_ C since the last SPC was perĆ
When making measurements at volts/division settings less than or
equal to 5 mV, you should run SPC at least once per week. Failure
to do so may result in the oscilloscope not meeting warranted
performance levels at those volts/div settings. (Warranted characĆ
teristics are listed in the Performance Verification manual.)
1. Power on the digitizing oscilloscope and allow a 20 minute warmĆup
before doing this procedure.
2. Disconnect any input signals you may have connected from all four
input channels.
When doing steps 3 and 4, do not turn off the oscilloscope until
signalĆpath compensation completes. If you interrupt (or lose) power
to the instrument while signalĆpath compensation is running, a
message is logged in the oscilloscope error log. If such a case
occurs, rerun signalĆpath compensation.
3. Press SHIFT UTILITY ➞ System (main) ➞ Cal (popĆup) ➞ Signal
Path (main) ➞ OK Compensate Signal Paths (side).
4. Wait for signal path compensation to complete (one to three minutes).
While it progresses, a clock" icon (shown at left) is displayed onĆ
screen. When compensation completes, the status message will be
updated to Pass or Fail in the main menu.
5. Verify the word Pass appears under Signal Path in the main menu. (See
Figure 3Ć68.)