Delayed Triggering
TDS 620A, 640A & 644A User Manual
Delayed Triggerable
You must make sure that the Main Trigger menu settings are compatible
with Delayed Triggerable.
2. If Type is set to Logic, press Type (main) to change it to either Edge or
Pulse as fits your application. Logic type is incompatible with Delayed
3. If Source is set to Auxiliary, press Source (main). Select any source
other than Auxiliary from the side menu according to your application.
4. Press HORIZONTAL MENU ➞ Time Base (main) ➞ Delayed Only
(side) ➞ Delayed Triggerable (side).
The Delayed Triggerable menu item is not selectable unless incomĆ
patible Main Trigger menu settings are eliminated. (See the steps at
the beginning of this procedure.) If such is the case, the Delayed
Triggerable menu item is dimmer than other items in the menu.
By pressing Intensified (side), you can display an intensified zone that
shows where the delayed timebase record may occur (a valid delay
trigger event must be received) relative to the main trigger on the main
time base. For Delayed Triggerable After mode, the start of the intensiĆ
fied zone corresponds to the possible start point of the delayed time
base record. The end of the zone continues to the end of main time
base, since a delayed time base record may be triggered at any point
after the delay time elapses.
To learn how to define the intensity level of the normal and intensified
waveform, see Display Modes on page 3Ć26.
Now you need to bring up the Delayed Trigger menu so you can define
the delayed trigger event.
5. Press SHIFT DELAYED TRIG ➞ Delay by (main) ➞ Triggerable After
Time, Events,orEvents/Time (side) (Figure 3Ć15).
6. Enter the delay time or events using the general purpose knob or the
keypad. If you selected Events/Time, use Time (side) and Events (side)
to switch between setting the time and the number of events.
Hint: You can go directly to the Delayed Trigger menu (see step 5). By
selecting one of Triggerable After Time, Events, or Events/Time, the
oscilloscope automatically switches to Delayed Triggerable in the HoriĆ
zontal menu. You will still need to display the Horizontal menu if you
wish to leave Delayed Triggerable.
The Source menu lets you select which input will be the delayed trigger