Teledyne API Model 200AU NO
Analyzer Instruction Manual, 02293, Rev. F
You should now reset the expected span concentration values in the new
units and re-calibrate the instrument using one of the methods in Section 7.
Changing units affects all of the RS-232 values, all of the
display values, and all of the calibration values.
If the current units are in ppb and the span value is 400 ppb, and
the units are changed to ug/m
the span value is NOT re-calculated
to the equivalent value in ug/m
. Therefore the span value now
becomes 400 ug/m
instead of 400 ppb. Recorder Offset
If necessary, the analog outputs can be biased. This can be used to offset the output voltage of
each channel ±10% of the current output voltage setting. It is intended for recorders that cannot
show slightly negative readings. It can also be used to bias the input to a datalogger to offset
small external ground loop voltages that are sometimes present in monitoring systems
The offset is set in the V/F calibration menu. Press SETUP-MORE-DIAG, scroll to A/D
CALIBRATION, then press ENTR. Select CFG-SET-OFFSET, then enter the desired offset and
press ENTR. Press EXIT to return to the SAMPLE mode.
5.3.5 Password Enable
If password protection is enabled, a password is required to access calibration or setup menus. In
the VARS menu a password is always required. To enable passwords press SETUP-PASS-ON.
A list of passwords is in Table 5-7.
Table 5-7: Calibrate, Setup Passwords
Password Usage Password
Calibration Password Use to get into CAL menus 512, 101
Setup Password Use to get into SETUP menus 818, 101