2150EX Area Velocity Flow Module
Appendix D General Safety Procedures
A person should never enter a manhole unless he is wearing per-
sonal safety equipment, including a safety harness and a hard
hat. Two persons should be stationed at the surface continuously
while anyone is working inside a manhole, to lift him out if he is
overcome or injured. One man cannot lift an unconscious man
out of a manhole.
The persons stationed at the surface should also function as
guards to keep people and vehicles away from the manhole
opening. To avoid a serious injury, a person should not be lifted
out of manhole by his arm unless it is a dire emergency.
When more than one person must enter a manhole, the first
person should reach the bottom and step off the ladder before the
next one starts down. When two men climb at the same time, the
upper one can cause the lower one to fall by slipping or stepping
on his fingers.
D.4.1 Traffic Protection In addition to traffic cones, markers, warning signs, and barri-
cades, a vehicle or a heavy piece of equipment should be placed
between the working area and oncoming traffic. Flashing
warning signals should be used to alert drivers and pedestrians.
Orange safety vests should be worn by personnel stationed at the
surface when the manhole is located in a vehicular traffic area.
D.4.2 Removing the Covers Manhole covers should be removed with a properly designed
hook. Use of a pick ax, screwdriver, or small pry bar may result
in injury. A suitable tool can be made from
/4-inch round or hex
stock. Two inches of one end should be bent at a right angle and
the other end should be formed into a D-handle wide enough to
accommodate both hands. Even with this tool, care must be exer-
cised to prevent the cover from being dropped on the toes. The
2-inch projection should be inserted into one of the holes in the
cover, the handle grasped with both hands, and the cover lifted
by straightening the legs which have been slightly bent at the
D.4.3 Other Precautions Other precautions which should be taken when entering a
manhole are:
• Wear a hard hat.
• Wear coveralls or removable outer garment that can be
readily removed when the work is completed.
• Wear boots or nonsparking safety shoes.
• Wear rubberized or waterproof gloves.
• Wear a safety harness with a stout rope attached.
• Do not smoke.
• Avoid touching yourself above the collar until you have
cleaned your hands.