4220 Flow Meter
Section 5 Options and Accessories
5.13 Mechanical Totalizer A mechanical totalizer is available for the 4220 that consists of a
seven-digit, non-resettable mechanical counter mounted in the
front panel. It must be ordered with the flow meter. The totalizer
advances according to program selections for units of measure
and the maximum flow of the primary device used. The totalizer
is internally set to advance at
⁄100 of the rate of the display
totalizer. Consequently, you must multiply the number shown on
the mechanical totalizer by 100 to determine the actual value for
total flow.
Accuracy ± 0.4° C
Resolution 0.1° C
Dissolved Oxygen % Saturation
Sensor Type Rapid Pulse - Polarographic
Range 0 to 200 % Air Saturation
Accuracy ± 2% Air Saturation
Resolution 0.1% Air Saturation
Dissolved Oxygen mg/L
Sensor Type Calculated from % air saturation, temperature,
and salinity
Range 0 to 20 mg./L
Accuracy ± 0.2 mg./L
Resolution 0.01 mg./L
Sensor Type Glass Combination Electrode
Range 2 to 14 pH Units
Accuracy ± 0.2 Units
Resolution 0.01 Units
Sensor Type Four-Electrode Cell
Range 0 to 100 mS/cm
Accuracy ± (1% of reading + 0.001 mS/cm)
Resolution 0.01 mS/cm or 1 μS/cm
*Specific conductance (conductivity corrected to 25° C), resistivity, and total dis-
solved solids measurements are also provided. These values are automatically calcu-
lated from conductivity according to algorithms found in Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water and Wastewater (ed. 1989).
Sensor Type Calculated from conductivity and temperature
Range 0 to 70 ppt
Accuracy ± 0.2 ppt
Resolution 0.1 ppt
Table 5-5 YSI 600 Probe Specifications (Continued)