4 Operation Model 7300A
4-4 Teledyne Analytical Instruments Setup Mode
The MAIN MENU consists of 14 functions you can use to customize and
check the operation of the analyzer. Figure 4-1 shows the functions available
with the 7300A. They are listed here with brief descriptions:
1 AUTO-CAL: Used to define and/or start an automatic calibration
2 PSWD: Used to establish password protection or change the
existing password.
3 LOGOUT: Logging out prevents unauthorized tampering with
the analyzer settings.
4 MODEL: Displays Manufacturer, Model, and Software version
of the instrument.
5 SELF-TEST: The instrument performs a self-diagnostic routine
to check the integrity of the power supply, output boards, cell and
6 SPAN: Set up and/or start a span calibration.
7 ZERO: start a zero calibration.
8 ALARMS: Used to set the alarm setpoints and determine
whether each alarm will be active or defeated, HI or LO acting,
latching or not, and failsafe or not.
9 RANGE: Used to set up three analysis ranges that can be
switched automatically with auto-ranging or used as individual
fixed ranges.
10 HARDW-VAR: This function displays parameters used by the
software for some calculations. It is a troubleshooting tool to be
used by qualified technicians.
11 FILTER: This function sets the digital filter from 0 to 10, 0
being faster response time, and 10 being the slowest. The default
is 4.
12 CAL_OUTPUT: Calibrate Analog Output
13 APPLICATIONS: Restricted function, not generally accessed
by the end user. Used to define up to three analysis ranges and a
calibration range (including impurity, background low end of
range, high end of range, and % of ppm units).
14 ALOGORITHM: Arestricted function, not generally accessed
by the end user. Used to linearize the output for the range of