
Troubleshooting Model GFC7000TA Carbon Dioxide Analyzer
Teledyne Analytical Instruments 232
Figure 10-9: GFC 7000TA – Internal Pneumatics with O
Sensor Option 65A
10.2.2. Typical Sample Gas Flow Problems Flow is Zero
The unit displays a SAMPLE FLOW warning message on the front panel display or the SAMPLE FLOW
test function reports a zero or very low flow rate.
Confirm that the sample pump is operating (turning). If not, use an AC voltmeter to make sure that power
is being supplied to the pump. If no power is present at the electrical leads of the pump.
1. If AC power is being supplied to the pump, but it is not turning, replace the pump.
2. If the pump is operating but the unit reports no gas flow, perform a flow check as described in
Section 9.3.4.
3. If no independent flow meter is available:
Disconnect the gas lines from both the sample inlet and the exhaust outlet on the rear panel
of the instrument.
Make sure that the unit is in basic SAMPLE Mode.