Advanced Features Model GFC7001E Carbon Dioxide Analyzer
Teledyne Analytical Instruments 124 iDAS Configuration Using Terminal Emulation Programs
Although Teledyne recommends the use of APICOM, the iDAS can also be accessed and configured through a
terminal emulation program such as HyperTerminal (see example in Figure 7-3).
To do this:
All configuration commands must be created and edited off line (e.g. cut & pasted in from a text file or
word processor) following a strict syntax (see below for example).
The script is then uploaded via the instruments RS-232 port(s).
Figure 7-3: iDAS Configuration Through a Terminal Emulation Program
Both of the above steps are best started by:
1. Downloading the default iDAS configuration.
2. Getting familiar with its command structure and syntax conventions.
3. Altering a copy of the original file offline.
4. Uploading the new configuration into the analyzer.
The editing, adding and deleting of iDAS channels and parameters of one channel through the front-
panel keyboard can be done without affecting the other channels.
On the other hand, uploading an iDAS configuration script to the analyzer through its communication
ports will ERASE ALL DATA, PARAMETERS AND CHANNELS and replace them with the new iDAS
It is recommended that you download and backup all data and the original iDAS configuration before
attempting any iDAS changes.
Refer to the next section, 8. Remote Operation, for details on remote access to and from the GFC 7001E/EM
Analyzer via the instrument’s COMM ports.