Percent Oxygen Analyzer
Teledyne Analytical Instruments vii
3.4.1 Oxygen Probe Connections 28
3.5 Installation Checklist 29
Operation .....................................................................................31
4.1 Introduction 31
4.2 Using the Function and Data Entry Buttons 32
4.3 Setting the Analysis Ranges 32
4.3.1 HI Range 33
4.3.2 LO Range 33
4.4 Setting the Alarm Setpoints 33
4.4.1 Set Alarm 1 (HI alarm) 33
4.4.2 Set Alarm 2 (LO alarm ) 34
4.4.3 Sensor Fail Alarm 34
4.5 Selecting a Fixed Range or Autoranging 34
4.6 Oxygen Calibration 35
4.6.1 Span Calibration 35
4.6.2 Air Calibration 37
4.7 Supplementary Information 37
4.8 Probe Temperature 37
4.8.1 Low Temperature 38
4.8.2 Open Thermocouple 38
4.9 Error Messages 38
5.1 Replacing the Fuse 41
A.1 Specifications 43
A.2 Probe Specifications 44
A.3 Spare Parts List 45
Email: ask_tai@teledyne.comA.4 Reference Drawing 45
A.4 Reference Drawing 46
A.5 Probe or Sensor EMF Tables 46