Teledyne API Model T360/T360M Operation Manual Troubleshooting and Service
Question Answer
How long does the IR source
Typical lifetime is about 2-3 years.
Where is the sintered
filter/sample flow control orifice?
These components are located inside the flow control assembly that
is attached to the inlet side of the sample pump, see Figure 3-5.
See Section 8.6.1 for instructions on disassembly and replacement.
How do I set up a SEQUENCE to
run a nightly calibration check?
The setup of this option is located in Section 5.6.
How do I set the analog output
signal range and offset?
Instructions for this can be found in Section 4.13.4 which describes
analog I/O configuration.
What is the averaging time for a
The default averaging time, optimized for ambient pollution
monitoring, is 150 seconds for stable concentrations and 10
seconds for rapidly changing concentrations; see Section 7.6.1 for
more info
tion. However, it is adjustable over a range of 0.5
second to 200 seconds (please contact Technical Support for more