Troubleshooting & Service T400 Ozone Analyzer Operator’s Manual
analyzer to malfunction, and invalidate measurements. After the memory is reset, the
A/D converter must be re-calibrated, and all information collected in Step 1 below must
be re-entered before the instrument will function correctly. Also, zero and span
calibration should be performed.
1. Document all analyzer parameters that may have been changed, such as range,
auto-cal, analog output, serial port and other settings before replacing the DOM
2. Turn off power to the instrument, fold down the rear panel by loosening the
mounting screws.
3. When looking at the electronic circuits from the back of the analyzer, locate the
Disk-on-Module in the right-most socket of the CPU board.
4. The DOM should carry a label with firmware revision, date and initials of the
5. Remove the nylon standoff clip that mounts the DOM over the CPU board, and lift
the DOM off the CPU. Do not bend the connector pins.
6. Install the new Disk-on-Module, making sure the notch at the end of the chip
matches the notch in the socket.
7. It may be necessary to straighten the pins somewhat to fit them into the socket.
Press the chip all the way in.
8. Close the rear panel and turn on power to the machine.
9. If the replacement DOM carries a firmware revision, re-enter all of the setup
12.11. FAQ’S
The following list was compiled from the TAPI Customer Service Department's most
commonly asked questions relating to the Model T400 O
How do I get the instrument to zero / Why is the zero
button not displayed?
See Section 12.5.4 Inability to zero.
How do I get the instrument to span / Why is the span
button not displayed?
See Section12.5.3 Inability to span.
How do I enter or change the value of my Span Gas Press the CONC button found under the CALor CALS
buttons of the main SAMPLE display menus to enter
the expected O
span concentration. See Section for more information.
How do I perform a midpoint calibration check? Midpoint calibration checks can be performed using
the instrument’s AutoCal feature (see Section 9.4) or
by using the control input
s on the rear panel of the
instrument (see Section The IZS option is
d in order to perform a mid-point span check.