52 | Section 5
Second of two Shows:
In 4-Column show mode, you have 4 independent caller outputs to 4 faders on the
console, but require only 1 mix minus feed. All callers hear the one console mix-minus
feed and each other.
1 in/1 out
is mix-minus option means each console only has to make a single mix-minus feed
for the caller send audio and the Nx12 makes only one mixed caller audio output of all
callers, to one fader on the console.
Like the 1 in/multiple out mode, this option sends the single mix-minus feed from the
console to all callers.
Its main purpose is to accommodate older consoles that have only one mix-minus, or
when only one fader is available for telephone calls. e disadvantage is that the operator
has no control of the relative levels of the multiple callers. It relies upon the Nx12’s AGC
to automatically adjust the multiple callers to a consistent level.
With One Show show mode and in any of the Two Show show modes, using this mix-
minus mode means you have one caller output to each console, and one mix-minus caller
input from each console.
One Show, or 1st of two Shows:
Second of two Shows:
With 4-Column Show mode, you will have one caller output to the console containing a