SporTrak Color GPS Mapping Receiver 35
Data Fields
Scale Indicator
Destination NameDestination Name
Destination NameDestination Name
Destination Name
When you are navigating on a GOTO
or multileg route, the name of the
destination is placed here. For
multileg routes, the name displayed
is the name of the destination for the
leg of the route you are presently
navigating on.
Data FieldsData Fields
Data FieldsData Fields
Data Fields
Customizable data fields. The data
displayed can be selected from 13
different options. Customizing is
accessed through the MENU button.
Some of the data displayed requires
you to be moving to be computed,
invalid data is indicated by dashes.
Road Screen
The Road Screen provides you with navigation information in a graphical format.
At the top of the display are four customizable data fields. Immediately below
them is a compass that will provide you with your heading. Following the compass
is a graphical representation of your route as if it was a road. This familiar indica-
tion of where you are in regards to your planned route will provide you with the
knowledge required for you to keep on track.
Displays your heading in a familiar
compass format.
This graphically displays the route
(GOTO or other routes) that is
active. As you move left or right of
your intended track, the road will
move on the display indicating
which way you need to steer to get
back on track. Ideally, the road
would be centered on the display.
Also, you will see upcoming turns in
advance allowing you to make
necessary preparations.
Scale IndicatorScale Indicator
Scale IndicatorScale Indicator
Scale Indicator
Use Zoom In/Out to change the scale.
Customizing the Data Fields — Allows you to change the data that is
being displayed to 1 of 17 data options (bearing, distance, speed,
heading, VMG, CTS, ETA, ETE, XTE, turn, elevation, time, date,
COG, EPE, Avg. Speed, or Max Speed) for any of the four fields.
From the
Use arrows to
highlight the title
for the data field to
be changed
Use arrows to
select new
data type