134 ProMark2 User’s Guide
Satellite Status Screen
The Satellite Status screen, Figure 4.24, provides a visual display of the GPS satellites which
are currently available (i.e., above the horizon), satellites that are being tracked by the receiver,
and the signal strength of the tracked satellites. Additionally, this screen displays current
power status and memory status. The
Satellite Status screen is accessed by selecting Collect
from the Survey screen, page 109, or by pressing the Nav/Surv button when viewing the
Survey Status screen, page 128.
Figure 4.24 Satellite Status Screen
Table 4.19 Satellite Status Screen Parameters
Parameter Description
Sky plot The sky plot displays the position of satellites available for
tracking. The outer ring represents the horizon. The middle
ring represents 60 degrees elevation. The center of the plot is
directly overhead. When a satellite is locked and being tracked,
its number is changed to white in a black box.
Signal strength graph The signal strength graph shows the relative strength of the
satellites which are being tracked.
Power status indicator The power status indicator (battery icon in lower left corner of
display) provides a graphical representation of battery life
remaining. If an external power source is being used, the status
indicator displays an icon resembling the plug on an electric
extension cord.