SporTrak Color GPS Mapping Receiver 63
Frequently Asked Questions
Why does my SporTrak not make an audible beep when I have an alarm active?
Check your setup settings for the Beeper. If the selection is Off or Keys Only,
the beeper will not sound for alarms.
Output Data
What is NMEA?
NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association) is the standard used for
interfacing marine electronic devices. This standard has also been adapted for
use in a variety of third-party mapping software programs.
What are the NMEA message strings?
The SporTrak supports version 1.5 and 2.1 of the NMEA 0183 standard.
Additional information on NMEA can be found at on the internet at
www.nmea.org, where you can purchase the NMEA Interface Standards.
Another excellent source for NMEA standards is a FAQ sheet that is published
on the internet by Peter Bennett at vancouver-webpages.com/peter/
My GPS is not communicating with my computer. What can I do?
Check your baud rate and check the baud rate that your software is using. If
they don’t match, change either the software’s or the SporTrak’s baud rate (See
Setup - Changing the Baud Rate.)
Can I interface my SporTrak with a Macintosh computer?
Magellan does not supply cabling or software for the Macintosh line of
computers. For information on a cable or software that may meet your
requirements, visit GPSy at www.gpsy.com on the internet.