Stowaway Travel Mouse Owner’s Manual Page 9
11. If the Bluetooth scan or connection fails, ensure the mouse is
Discoverable and tap Connect again. If the connection still fails:
a. Power cycle the
mouse, make it
Discoverable, and tap
b. Or, reset the PDA,
make the mouse
discoverable, and tap
c. If neither step works,
check/replace the
mouse batteries,
and/or charge the
PDA battery.
12. If the mouse has previously been connected
with your Pocket PC but you have pressed the
Discoverable mode button during normal use,
the mouse will lose its bond with your
handheld device. Tap Connect to reestablish
the bond.
13. The Bluetooth Mouse status screen also allows access to the
Advanced page, where buttons are provided to select Power efficient
mode and Mouse Pointer mode.
a. Power efficient mode – Allows you to
enable the Stowaway Travel Mouse
application to Auto-detect the proper
power setting for your device
combination (keyboard/mouse/PDA,
etc.), or to turn On or Off Power
efficient mode.
b. Mouse pointer mode – Most PDA
displays work well with Enhanced
mode. Some will require Safe mode for
effective mouse pointer tracking and