Configurations Operator's Manual LDK 23HS mkII - HS Camera System 3-7
Two-wire Data Control Bus
The two-wire data bus is used to connect all control
units in the Series 9000 control system. The data
cable loops-through from one unit to the other. The
order of connection is not important, however, the total
length of the cables must not exceed 350 metres.
Each unit connected directly to the data bus, either
CPU, camera head or OCP, is identified by a number.
In order to ensure, for example, that OCP 1 controls
the camera connected to CPU 1, the same unique
number must be assigned to both OCP 1 and CPU 1.
The assignment number is set internally on the units
during installation.
The assignment number of a camera head connected
to a CPU is automatically set to the number of the CPU
to which it is connected. The number on the CPU,
which is connected to the data bus, must be set to the
number of the control panel that is to control it.
Other Control Features
Private Data
A private data channel is also available between the
camera and the CPU. This is a two-way serial channel
operating at 2400 B/s with TTL level. This channel can
be used for digital data links (Refer to the Installation
Manual for more detail).
Analogue Ch0-Ch1
Two analogue control channels are available from the
CPU to the camera. These provide a control voltage
from 0V to +5V that can be used for pan control for
example. For more information on these channels
refer to the Installation Manual.
If the analogue Ch1 is used to switch externally the
Aspect Ratio, Ch 1 is not available for analoque
signals from the CPU to the camera.
A maximum of 15 looped-trough standard camera
systems in one chain can be handeld, however, in a
multiple system the load of a LDK 23 HS (mkII) is
twice the load of a standard camera so with level 1
communication software the system can handle a
maximum of 8 LDK23 HS (mkII) camera's.
A camera connected directly to the data bus must
have its assignment number set to the number set on
the OCP that is to control it. It is important to set a
unique number for each CPU/OCP or camera/OCP
group as unpredictable control situations could arise
The MCP is also connected to the data bus, however,
it is not necessary to set an internal assignment
number. The camera or cameras to be controlled are
selected on the MCP front panel itself when operating
the unit.