Getting Started
Set MusicMatch Jukebox basic preferences. (continued)
• Windows Media
audio is a
compression format created by
Microsoft. This audio format
incorporates digital rights man-
• WAV audio is unencoded music
that is not compressed. This
format has the best quality sound
but requires the largest file size,
as much as 650MB per CD. WAV
audio files are much larger than
MP3 audio files.
Note: Custom Quality settings are for
advanced users only.
F. Select a CD Recording Mode.
1. Check Digital and Error
Correction for the best results.
Error checking and correction will
be performed while you are
Note: Choosing Error Correction will
slow down your recording speed.
2. Check Analog if your CD-ROM
drive does not support digital
audio extraction.
G. Select a default Recording
Source. If you have more than one
recording source, select the source
you record from the most.
H. Mute while Recording. This
feature allows you to mute the audio
while it is being recorded. Uncheck
this box to hear the audio as it is
Note: This is not recommended as it will
decrease the recording speed.