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For Puzzle 1 (Mode 1), you should see buttons numbers
11, 13, 14, 15, and 17 lit up on your display.
Since your goal is to shut off the lights in the fewest
moves possible, you will need to decide which buttons to
press. Remember, each button press effects the
surrounding buttons, so play your moves carefully. For
example, if button 14 is pressed, all of the lights on the
cube will be shut off. Congratulations...you just solved
Since the CUBE is 3-dimensional, you have to consider the
LOOPING feature that creeps up in more advanced puzzles.
In a typical puzzle, you'll see that pressing a button has an
effect on adjacent lights. But, since this is a cube, buttons
on the outer rows of each side "wrap-around" to the next
side. So, a button on the right side of FACE 3 is also
adjacent to buttons on FACE 2, and possibly FACE 5 if its
in the top row. Keep this in mind when solving a puzzle.
You'll soon find yourself twisting and turning the cube to
"chase" the lights until they are all out.
(This example is for Puzzle 11)
Follow the steps below to solve this puzzle in 4 steps -- the
minimum number of moves! This puzzle will be tougher,
since it uses the LOOPING
feature described above!
STEP 1 When you
start, buttons 11, 12,
13, 15, 17, 18, 37,
38, 40, 42, 43, and
44 will be lit. Press button 14.
Pressing button 14 caused
buttons 11, 13, 15, and 17 to
shut off, and the lights next and
below button 14, to turn on.
Buttons 12, 18, 37, 38, 40, 43,
and 44 stayed the same.
STEP 2 Button 15 is now off,
but 14 is lit. Press
button 15. Button 15
will turn on. Buttons
12, 14, 18,and 40 will
turn off and buttons
37, 38, 42, 43, and 44
will stay the same.
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